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Breastfeeding Education


Breastfeeding is a wonderful way to bond with your child, while nourishing them at the same time. However, it doesn't always come naturally, and sometimes moms and babies need gentle guidance to help their nursing relationship be successful. We offer private, in home breastfeeding instruction before the birth of your baby, and after, to set you up with the information and skills you need, and then support any challenges you might be having once your baby is home. We can help you with basic latching techniques, positions, troubleshooting challenges (like sore nipples or clogged ducts), help you understand your baby's cues, and much more. 


Breastfeeding Basics

This two hour, in home class provides you with information you will need to get your breastfeeding relationship started on the right foot. Great for partners to attend as well so they know how to best support you through the early weeks while you and baby get the hang of it. This class is for pregnant mamas and their partners.


Breastfeeding Support

Your baby is home and you've started to nurse. Have one of our doulas come for a couple of hours to see how a feeding goes, give pointers and help troubleshoot any issues that may be happening. You'll get lots of encouragement, education, and referrals you may need to have a happy, successful nursing relationship. 

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