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Postpartum Care


Dotingdoulas support new families in the first several months postpartum. As your postpartum doula we can teach you infant care basics, including soothing, bathing, cord and circumcision care, infant cues and behaviors, how to diaper and dress baby, babywearing and more. We also center our care around you, the mother. We focus on your transition and recovery from birth--making sure you are resting, eating, hydrating and taking care of yourself. We believe mothers who are able to practice self-care, with the support of doulas, partners and family, are better able to bond and care for their newborns. When we come to your home, we make sure you are doing well, talk with you about any topics you are thinking about (including your birth), and support you in caring for your new baby. We are also there to help make sure the household is running smoothly. That may include teaching your partner some newborn soothing techniques or how to wash pump parts, or reading a book to your older child, or making a meal, or folding laundry. It is our aim to make the time after your baby's birth more easeful and instill you and your partner with confidence in your abilities to care for your baby. We offer postpartum support during the day or evening.


Please inquire with us to discuss your individual needs and scheduling. 

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